Deuce to the seven triple draw lowball.

This article explains the basic rules of Deuce to the Seven Triple Draw Lowball
Deuce to the Seven Triple Draw Lowball (I'll call it triple draw for short) is a nasty horrible evil game. Unfortunately it's as addicitive as it is evil.
This is draw poker, with three drawing rounds, and the worst hand winning (aces high, straights and flushes count so the best hand is 75432, hence the name Deuce to Seven). Confused yet? it does make sense pretty quickly.
The basic structure of a triple draw game is as follows..
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
This is draw poker, with three drawing rounds, and the worst hand winning (aces high, straights and flushes count so the best hand is 75432, hence the name Deuce to Seven). Confused yet? it does make sense pretty quickly.
The basic structure of a triple draw game is as follows..
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
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