Poker Hand Rankings

Standard 5 card hand rankings.
Most poker games are about who has the best hand. Except the ones that are about who has the lowest hand. But we'll get to them later.
Poker hands from highest to lowest:
1) Royal Flush - A,K,Q,J,T of the same suit. This is the mythical best possible hand in poker.
2) Straight Flush - Any other five cards in a row of the same suit, for example 2,3,4,5,6 of hearts. In case of two straight flushes, whichever one has the highest top card wins. "Six high straight flush"
3) Four of a Kind (Quads)
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
Poker hands from highest to lowest:
1) Royal Flush - A,K,Q,J,T of the same suit. This is the mythical best possible hand in poker.
2) Straight Flush - Any other five cards in a row of the same suit, for example 2,3,4,5,6 of hearts. In case of two straight flushes, whichever one has the highest top card wins. "Six high straight flush"
3) Four of a Kind (Quads)
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
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