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William Hill Poker

Limit? Spread Limit? Pot Limit? No Limit?

Written by Jesse McLean
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A quick look at the three main betting structures for poker.
Betting is as important to poker as water is to a fish. Without betting, it's, well, it just isn't poker. But how is betting organised?

Well, the main ways of organising a betting round are Limit, Spread Limit, Pot Limit, or No Limit.

Limit poker, like the name suggests, the bets are set at a certain limit. Typically the Big Bet is twice the Small Bet and there are an even number of betting rounds at each limit. For example, 1/2 limit holdem is holdem played with bet sizes of 1 and 2 - the lower limit is for the first two betting rounds and the higher limit is played for the last two.

Article continued on: Best Poker Offers

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