Texas Holdem - How to play

This article explains the basic rules of Texas Holdem Poker
Texas Holdem is the number one form of poker in the world right now. It's the most common game on the Internet, in casino cardrooms, even at home games. Texas holdem is almost certainly the kind of poker you see on TV whenever one of the half dozen different poker shows are on.
So how does it work?
Every player is dealt two cards. Based on the value of these cards, they decide whether to fold, call the bet(s) before them (there are always bets in the middle because the two players to the left of the dealer are forced to put in blind bets), or raise.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
So how does it work?
Every player is dealt two cards. Based on the value of these cards, they decide whether to fold, call the bet(s) before them (there are always bets in the middle because the two players to the left of the dealer are forced to put in blind bets), or raise.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
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