Draw Poker

This article explains the basic rules of Draw poker
Draw poker is as old as the hills, or at least it's as old as almost any town east of the Missisippi river, if not America itself.
Pretty much everyone knows how to play draw, but I'll explain anyway, it's easy.
1) Everyone antes (puts a small amount of money in the middle to make things interesting).
2) Everyone gets five cards.
3) There is a betting round (starting to the left of the dealer).
4) Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, people discard between zero and five cards and are dealt replacements.
5) There is another betting round.
6) There is a showdown, and the highest 5 card poker hand wins the pot.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
Pretty much everyone knows how to play draw, but I'll explain anyway, it's easy.
1) Everyone antes (puts a small amount of money in the middle to make things interesting).
2) Everyone gets five cards.
3) There is a betting round (starting to the left of the dealer).
4) Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, people discard between zero and five cards and are dealt replacements.
5) There is another betting round.
6) There is a showdown, and the highest 5 card poker hand wins the pot.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
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