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Money Money Money!

Written by Poker Penguin
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When you sit down at the poker table, your money stops being money.
To be a truely successful poker player, I believe that money can only be viewed as a way of keeping score. If I paused to think about the fact that I have maybe two month's wages, in my bankrolls, or that I just lost a pot the size of my week's wages then I'd probably quit. I mean, money is something you have to struggle for and value, and save.

I remember reading a story about a poker pro whose wife was in a car accident and rang him at the table. He asked "is anyone hurt?", when he found out there wasn't, he wanted to get back to the game. She started to tell him about the $1500 damage to the Jaguar. His response was "Honey, at the moment, I'm stuck four beautiful Jaguars". Money is a tool at the poker table, nothing more, nothing less. Of course it has real value. We wouldn't be playing otherwise.

Article continued on: Best Poker Offers

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