Bad Beats

The dreaded bad beat - we've all been there
If you've played more than about 10 hands of poker, the odds are that you have suffered a bad beat. For those of you who haven't, a bad beat is basically when your good hand loses to some garbage.
Bad Beat stories are a staple of poker literature / conversation. Nobody particularly likes hearing them, but telling them helps release steam.
I'll share one, so you have an idea how gut-wrenching probability can be:
700 person Multitable tournament that I've qualified for via satelite (that's a tournament that pays out in places to a bigger tournament), so this is a big deal for me. We're down to about 140. Seventy places pay, and I'm in the top ten of chips. In other words, I am fairly confident that I will cash, and hopefully cash big.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
Bad Beat stories are a staple of poker literature / conversation. Nobody particularly likes hearing them, but telling them helps release steam.
I'll share one, so you have an idea how gut-wrenching probability can be:
700 person Multitable tournament that I've qualified for via satelite (that's a tournament that pays out in places to a bigger tournament), so this is a big deal for me. We're down to about 140. Seventy places pay, and I'm in the top ten of chips. In other words, I am fairly confident that I will cash, and hopefully cash big.
Article continued on: Best Poker Offers
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